Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's time to clean your hard drive

When was the last time you clean your hard drive?

Every day your PC is in use, files are being written and erased from your hard drive. Over the space of days, months and years, your hard drive becomes fragmented. The performance benefits to disk defragmentation can be enormous. Your hard drive could contains with files that have as many as 10,000 fragments! In these cases, your hard drive begins thrashing and the time to read a file increases by over a hundred times.

Free PC Matic Scan

Get the Most Out of Disk MD 2.0

PC Pitstop Disk MD's free disk heath scan identifies problems with your Hard Drives and keeps them running at maximum performance. Disk MD 2.0 quickly and easily identifies fragmentation issues. Features like our built-in scheduler, advanced defragmenter that fixes restore points, and file optimization, positions our application head and shoulders above other defragmentation products.
Disk MD will walk you through each step to squeeze the most performance out of your system. To maximize the performance improvement from disk defragmentation, one must do more than run a disk defragger on a semi periodic basis. Routine system maintenance as listed below should always be done BEFORE a defrag, and never after.

  1. clearing internet cache
  2. deleting temporary files
  3. deleting junk mail
  4. removing seldom used programs
  5. and so on

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