Sunday, October 9, 2011

Protect Your computer

Did you know that every now and then you need to protect your computer. This is to ensure that it is safe and secure. Computer failure is just like a heart attack it will appears without much warning. Without proper computer protection software you could lost all your important data save in your computer. When this happens it will makes your life a living hell.

But, you will always wonder which software to choose, how to know when to backup your computer, how long is the back up process. how to understand the status of the computer after backup, etc.

You should have a reliable computer protection software for your computer. More importantly, there should be an automatic backs up system that protects your important files on your laptop, PC, or workstation. An automatic processes continually update your protection – no need to remember to run backups.

NovaBACKUP, a PC World Best Buy , is the reliable and cost-effective data protection software solution , protecting critical information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, within safe and easy-to-manage processes and automated schedules.

NovaBACKUP makes it easy to follow best-practice data protection procedures. Easy setup and step-by-step wizards make this the perfect tool for you.

NovaBACKUP Professional automatically backups and protects important PC/laptop computer files. Click Here to buy today and save 20%!

NovaBACKUP has an improved user interface and industry leading device support giving you the ability to backup your data to CD/DVD drives, online over the internet, or to tape drives, disk drives and other media without interfering with other programs. The Step-by-Step Wizard guides you through performing backup and restoration procedures, and the integrated disk-imaging disaster recovery means you will be up and running fast when the worst happens.

Other Great Features Include:
  1. Device Spanning
  2. Mapped drive recognition
  3. Virus Scanning
  4. Data Encryption
  5. Open File Backup Support
  6. Tape Backup Support
  7. Blu-Ray and Removable Media Support
  8. Russian and Simple Chinese Support (NEW)
  9. Much More

Special offer Get 20% off on NovaBACKUP Products with coupon code: CJ20.Professional Backup

So you need to have a reliable computer protection software for your computer. Protect your computer before it is too late.

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